Four Tire Maintenance Tips That Guarantee Longer Tire Life

Posted on: 27 May 2021

Though most motorists regularly check different parts of their vehicles, the tires are among the most neglected vehicle parts. In most cases, motorists mostly focus on their wheels when they notice a flat tire.

Thus, tires usually end up getting worn out more quickly than they should, and you have to contend with frequent tire replacement costs. However, if you conduct proper tire maintenance, your tires can serve you for a longer period than you expect. With that in mind, here are four tire maintenance tips that will considerably extend the life of your tires.

Tire Rotation 

By now, you have probably realized that your vehicle's tires do not wear out evenly. One of the reasons for uneven tire wearing is that the vehicle's weight distribution doesn't rest on all the tires equally. Thus, some tires encounter more weight than others, and they tend to wear out more quickly. The best tire maintenance approach to counter this problem is by regularly rotating your tires. 

Tire rotation involves switching your vehicle's tires around. Thus, the tires that have been carrying most of the weight get switched with the tires carrying the least weight such that all the tires get to wear out evenly instead of having some tires wear out more quickly than others which translates to extended tire life by reducing the rate of tread wear.

Wheel Alignment and Balancing

Wheel misalignment causes the misaligned tires to experience more pressure and friction than normal, which leads to faster tread wear. Additionally, if your wheels and tire assembly are off-balance, some tires will experience uneven tread wear. In both cases, some of the tires will wear out significantly faster than the rest.

Thus to avoid uneven tread wear on your tires, it is essential to have your wheels checked for misalignment and balance periodically as stipulated in your vehicle's owner's manual. By conducting tire maintenance services such as wheel alignment and balancing, you can significantly extend the life of your tires.

Maintain the Recommended Tire Pressure

Every time you drive your vehicle, the tires tend to lose a bit of pressure even if you don't have a puncture. Therefore, checking the tire pressure should be part of every driver's routine before they commence driving. Inadequate tire pressure can lead to excessive stress on the tires and uneven wearing. The more you drive with inadequate air pressure in the tires, you may experience tire failure at some point.

Thus, regularly checking the tires' air pressure is a prime tire maintenance tip that could help you retain your set of tires for a long time.

Prompt Tire Replacement

Having a worn-out tire on your vehicle is dangerous because if a tire doesn't have the proper grip on the road, it could lead to an accident. Additionally, a worn-out tire forces the remaining tires to endure excess friction to compensate for the lost grip. As a result, the remaining tires tend to wear off faster due to excessive friction.

Hence, when you have a worn-out tire, it is essential to get it replaced as soon as possible to avoid overworking the other tires. So prompt tire replacement qualifies as a tire maintenance service that can improve the remaining tires' longevity.
